Monday, January 03, 2005

A start

This is a new year's resolution blog. On one of my boards, someone mentioned that one of their new year's resolutions was keeping better track of what they read, and it occurred to me that I really missed keeping track of what I read and what I was reading and what I thought of books and stuff. I don't want to clutter up my regular journal with it, mostly because I figure very few people care, but I really do want to have some sort of record.

So here goes nothing. Right now, I'm off to read Lioness Rampant, a book I have read more than once before, but it's a good solid book and a nice easy start to the year. After I read We Need to Talk About Kevin a few weeks ago I haven't quite yet managed to bring myself to read anything else genuinely intense. I've read the first chapter or so of Our Lady of the Circus but I haven't been able to get into it. So I read Trickster's Queen, by Tamora Pierce, which was excellent and satisfying, and now I'm enjoying a little more Pierce before hitting Cinderella Dreams: The Allure of the Lavish Wedding which will probably depress the hell out of me.

There are a lot of books I want to read in 2005 but I think that's a list that will have to wait for later.


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