Thursday, November 10, 2005

So Many Books, So Little Time: A Year of Passionate Reading

And I am blogging about this book by Sara Nelson, the story of her year reading as much as she could, as my 100th logged book this year. Yay me!

This book is not just a book log, though. It's the story of the romance of reading, the experience of reading. It's not the log of the books themselves, but of the experience. It is an immensely satisfying book not because I've read a ton of the books that she read, but because I could relate to how she felt while she was reading.

This is not a book you should read if you are not a gigantic book nerd. It is entirely about one woman's relationship with reading and books. I think part of why I liked it so much is that Sara's husband is not a huge book nerd. Although Jamie reads a lot more than her husband does, there were a lot of similiarities that made me feel kind of better about not marrying an equally book-obsessed guy. It's probaby just as well, since if he read as much as I do we'd probably never eat, but there are moments when I wish he'd get a little more enthusiastic about reading some of the stuff I read.

He would not like this book, though, I don't think. That's ok. Sometimes I like that books are all mine and no matter how much our lives intersect, I can still escape into my own world.

100 books in a year. Sure, half of them were probably YA books, but still. That's pretty darn good.


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