Thursday, March 10, 2005

Books to Read

The pile of checked out books is starting to get a little out of control, so here's a list of everything I want to read in the next little while.

The Eyre Affair
The Time-Traveler's Wife
The Adventures of Kavalier and Clay
Son of the Mob 2
America (the Book)

various other things which I can't remember.


At 11:15 AM, Blogger The Doc said...

I can only give my opinions on two of these. And I'm giving them whether you're going to read them or not...

1. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. This book is great, no bones about it. And that's coming from a comic geek, so there might be a little bias due to the subject matter, but you don't need to like comics to appreciate it. The characters are what makes it so fantastic, and i started caring about them so much by the end of it I started to cry. Not many books make me cry. Highly reccommended.

2. The Eyre Affair. When I first got into this book I immediately thought of you. In fact, I mentally cast you as Thursday Next when I was reading it. It's the kind of book that anyone can appreciate for its fantastic elements, but someone who knows books will get more out of it than the average joe. And since you know WAY more about literature than I do, I'm sure you'll get a kick out of it. Greatly reccommended.


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